Software Engineer at Imply (April 2024 - Present)

I am working as a backend engineer as part of Apache Druid team.

  • Worked on selective loading of lookups.
  • Worked on optimizing S3 multi-part upload by introducing concurrency.
  • Working on window functions for multi-stage query engine.
Can't be more excited to finally be working on the core database team! 🚀

Blog: Why I joined Imply My Commits

Software Engineer at Yugabyte (June 2021 - March 2024)

I am working as a backend engineer as part of Yugabyte Cloud team.

  • Led backend efforts for adding support for Azure clusters in Yugabyte Cloud.
    • Single region and multi-region YugabyteDB clusters
    • Read replicas
    • End-to-end networking
    • Connectivity options like public load balancer and Azure private link
  • Led PoC and overall initiative to optimise YugabyteDB cluster creation time. Reduced the average cluster creation time by 70% by building custom AWS, Azure, and GCP images for provisioning clusters.
  • Integrated runtime feature flagging in Yugabyte Cloud. This is actively used across all teams working on Yugabyte Cloud for controlled enabling/disabling of new features in realtime for different scopes.
  • Worked on integrating critical billing features of Yugabyte Cloud.
  • Integrated AWS quota monitoring for different services.
  • Helped in hiring efforts, from creating interview problems to taking the interviews.
  • Gained practical exposure to Java (Play framework), Django, PostgreSQL, Ansible, Terraform, OpenAPI, etc.
Couldn't have asked for a better first full-time job!

Blogs Thank you, Yugabyte!

Software Engineering Intern at Economize (December 2020 - May 2021)

I worked as a Software Engineering Intern at Economize, a platform to help companies analyze, manage, and optimize their cloud infrastructure expenses.

  • Integrated Datadog to fetch memory utilization metrics and provide VM rightsizing recommendations.
  • Integrated Email and Slack App alerts for weekly and monthly billing reports for cloud infrastructure.
  • Did a Proof of Concept on integrating HashiCorp Vault into our environment to enable us to securely store secret credentials of our clients, and also led the end-to-end integration of the same.
  • Worked on adding a provision for auto-deletion of unattached disks and unused static IP addresses to optimize the cloud expenses for our users.
  • Worked on providing Committed Use Discount (CUD) recommendations for GCP projects of our users to help them optimize their cloud expenses.
  • Throughout this internship, I gained practical exposure to Golang, Postgres, Redis, Vue.js, Google Cloud Platform, HashiCorp Vault, and SaaS-based data analytics platforms like Datadog and New Relic.
Shipping weekly features couldn't have been more exciting than this! :)

Internship Completion Certificate

Summer Analyst, Goldman Sachs (May - June 2020)

I worked as a Summer Analyst in the Securities Division of Goldman Sachs.

  • Developed and deployed a Health Check Application using Spring Boot framework from scratch.
  • Monitored microservices and generated real-time alerts on health status of all microservices, as well as routing anomalies for requests for any service.
  • Implemented Kafka producers and consumers to store the failure information to various Kafka topics and consume them to generate daily reports for the same.
  • Got exposure to technologies like Java, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Hazelcast. Also got a chance to explore the Distributed Systems paradigm! :)
Despite being a remote internship because of COVID-19, it was a wonderful experience!

Software Engineering Intern at Grofers (May - July 2019)

I worked on end-to-end flow of generating bulk promotional codes in events of partnership with companies like Paytm, MagicBricks, etc.

  • Made required APIs in Flask and stored the promo codes in a Postgres database.
  • Generated the promo codes in background using Celery workers deployed on AWS EC2 instances.
  • Reduced the time by a factor of ∼275x (from 8 hours to 105 seconds) for the generation of 1 lakh bulk promo codes of length 12.
It was my first onsite internship and I couldn't have asked for anything better than this!
Best part of the internship? Definitely the team outings! (And unlimited coffee too! :P)

Internship Completion Certificate

Google Summer of Code (May - August 2018)

I worked on FOSSASIA's SUSI Web Client and Server. SUSI.AI is an intelligent Open Source personal assistant. SUSI.AI Bots are built to enable users to chat with SUSI on different clients.

  • SUSI.AI Web Client: Made UI components using ReactJS following Material-UI Guidelines.
  • SUSI.AI Server: Implemented various APIs on the SUSI.AI Server-side extensively in Java. I also implemented a completely refined User-Role Permissions Model for various SUSI.AI Services.
It was my first real-world experience with Open Source and I absolutely loved it! :)

Certificate of Completion Work Report


Stock Market Analysis

Deployed a Python application to automate daily stock market analysis based on different market indicators, and sending the report to a mailing list.

View on GitHub

WhatsApp Direct Message

A simple Android app which saves you the effort of saving numbers as contacts if you wish to contact them on WhatsApp.

View on GitHub

Electronic Health Record System

An Electronic Health Record system based on Blockchain using Hyperledger Technology, so that the medical records of patients are decentralised and the patient does not have to carry all of his/her medical records every time while visiting the doctor.

View on GitHub

Gaana Chrome Extension

A chrome extension to fix padding issues on on Mojave (on particular Chrome versions).

View on GitHub

More about me

  • Love reading books! You can check the books that I'm currently reading on my GitHub.
  • Absolutely love attending conferences, events and hackathons. Have been invited to attend multiple international conferences.
  • Invited as a featured speaker at FOSSASIA Open Tech Summit 2019 held in Singapore on March 14-17, 2019. Gave a talk on the user role permissions model implemented in SUSI.AI.
  • Recipient of Udacity’s PyTorch Challenge Scholarship from Facebook.
  • Almost a 5 star coder on CodeChef and an Expert on CodeForces. You know, I'm something of a Competitive Programmer myself! :D
  • Musicoholic. Travelholic. Coffeeholic. Techoholic.
  • Love playing chess! (Hit me up for a match!)
  • Love the nickname "Ak Jn"! :)
Connect with me! :)